Interview With Annunaki King Arneesh

Arneesh Gives The First Of Many Interviews


This morning Arneesh gave the first of many interviews he would like to enlighten humanity with.

He speaks about the Children of Annur as he refers to himself and not Anu as most humans know. They do not reference themselves as Annunaki but “The Children of Annur.”

It’s also great to hear some of more recent revelations concerning human history are now being unearthed as truth.

Arneesh speaks about the Annur remaining on earth in Egypt as Monarchs but they were kept in check throughout history by the lies told through the reptilians. He speaks how this alien species is in control of the elites and our Government.

Everything humanity has learned about is mostly lies and Arneesh wants to enlighten us all.

In is an amazing interview Arneesh covers conversations about the following:

  • Reptilians in the Government and the consumption of other human beings
  • The way humanity has been lied to concerning the history of the Annunaki
  • Life in the Universe and how humans have already been scattered throughout
  • Aliens being mostly peaceful
  • The earth being a proving ground for growing up
  • Humans were seeded as a slave race
  • The real Egypt and what the pyramids were for
  • Ancient African stones were once used for energy
  • Crop circles were diagrams showing how humanity could achieve Zero Point Energy
  • Cern’s dangerous experiments concerning anti-matter
  • A cosmic event coming our way on Earth very soon

Hear the Interview here:

My apologies for the sound, we are working on a better system but sometimes these beings voices also affect the energies when we record.

1280x720-mz312,000 Year Old Annunaki King Found In Iran

*Another interesting fact that has been bought up is this video that says a 12,000 year old Annunaki King was found. If this is true, it immediately contradicts the 6000 years of human history some scholars and the bible says humanity has been on this planet.

Arneesh says if some of these Annur bodies do surface they will be of the hybrid children left behind to watch over everything. They are not pure Annur instead they are the offspring to human women. Most Annunaki kings have their hair and beards braided and this being does not wear the elaborate beard. Therefore it may not be real.

As I have previously mentioned and Arneesh also mentioned in his interview today, I too am a Annur Hybrid with approximately 30% of my gene pool being of “Unknown Origin” from the human perspective. 1/3 rd of the human population is of unknown origin too.

You can watch the video here:



*** I don’t expect everyone to believe that my husband and I channel or speak to aliens and spirits. Channeling and telepathy has it’s place in the universe and is used more than most human beings know. I am just repeating what is told to me and you don’t have to believe any of it. However I will say this, have you ever noticed how people who see beyond the illusion and games, always come back with the same messages for humanity?

So if I am wrong where am I getting all this information from? I know some will call me demonic or deranged but considering the bible was supposedly written by Prophets, maybe there is truth in what people like me are relaying to others. ***

Channeling Steven and Charles

Meet Two Spiritual Beings From The Collective

lSpirit entities exist and I speak to many different beings everyday. Today Steven and Charles, members of The Collective are speaking to humanity.

The Collective call themselves this name because they come from different times, different era’s.

There are also alien beings who associate with The Collective like Chattel the Gray. These are dimensional beings and just like humans- aliens, spirits and angels can be evil too.

Free your mind and just listen.

The three of us have fun and talk like any family normally would. I am their representative and even if you don’t believe this happens, then consider the words and they should make sense to you.

After Chattel the Gray spoke to the Earth a couple of days ago,  See More Here, Steven and Charles thought they would come and educate us in their fun filled way.

Points In The Interview

  • This is a light hearted channeling and there is amazing information in this interview. We discuss religion and history.
  • We also talk about alien technology and how dimensional beings exist and live.
  • They talk about how humanity, spirits and aliens are all connected
  • They ask you to consider introspection on what you were taught versus what can be in the future.
  • We talk about the Angelic realm and our connection to all energy in the Universe

Listen to the MP3 Here:

My next interview will be with Arneesh the Annunaki King. I hope you will tune in. 



** * I don’t expect everyone to believe that my husband and I channel or speak to aliens and spirits. Channeling and telepathy has it’s place in the universe and is used more than most human beings know. I am just repeating what is told to me and you don’t have to believe any of it. However I will say this, have you ever noticed how people who see beyond the illusion and games, always come back with the same messages for humanity?

So if I am wrong where am I getting all this information from? I know some will call me demonic or deranged but considering the bible was supposedly written by Prophets, maybe there is truth in what people like me are relaying to others. ***

What’s Going On In Space

What You Need To Know About The Elites On Earth

The events that are unfolding in America right now are about to become very eye opening in the next few weeks. Arneesh has been speaking to me about what the Elites are planning and how far they have actually gone.

*** There is a real Empire of alien species who are watching the earth very closely right now. The Star Wars movies was actually the true story of how the Empire was cleansed and rewritten. The Empire came about as different alien species took back their freedom from evil leaders. Now the Empire follows a strict code of laws and rules that apply to most planets in the Universe. Rules for peace and prosperity. ***

A MESSAGE FROM THE GALACTIC EMPIRE and I posted this previously on our Facebook Page. Arneesh has a message for America…

“The next few days are going to be very eye opening for Americans and the world. The American Government is about to arrest Politicians and Businessmen who are involved in the trafficking of your children.

These people will deny ever having anything to do with hurting children but I assure you, each one of them has been involved in the eating, drinking, sexual rape and death of the most innocent in your society.

The Galactic Empire is totally disgusted with this behavior and we are now ensuring ALL HUMANS KNOW THE TRUTH, so you earthlings can see once and for all how depraved your leaders really are.

Because many alien species are eternal, it is forbidden to hurt the youngest and most innocent in any society. We have laws that must be abided by and we will no longer tolerate what humans beings are doing to their children and unborn. We are making sure Galactic Laws will now be implemented. ” – Arneesh.

How Angry The Elites Are Now


Arneesh also wants the world to know there is a fully operational laser in space right now, built by our Government. The laser can easily be directed back onto earth. It can cut into the earth 25 miles down towards the core and it will cause massive destruction on this planet if used for the elites evil intentions.

The reptilians and the humans who follow the evil, are now threatening the Galactic Empire. These people have said if they are going to lose their hold and power over the earth…as a last resort they will turn the laser back on earth. They would rather see the earth destroyed than to see humanity move forward. This is the evil we all live with on planet Earth right now. 

The Laser will create devastating earthquakes and may even crack the very core. The Empire is trying to prevent this from happening by nullifying the codes, however they don’t know how effective this will be in a crunch. The Galactic Empire is trying their hardest to prevent catastrophic events from occurring on Earth but they are not sure how far the elites on Earth will go.

“The pole shift will happen whether most people believe or not. The fact is, there has to be some upheaval on your Earth, so we can cleanse and reorganize everything once more. The Galactic Empire agrees that humans deserve the opportunity to advance now. However your elites and corrupt politicians want to control everything and everyone on your planet and they are threatening humanities very existence.” -Arneesh

What The Galactic Empire Is Considering At This Time

Because the elites on earth are threatening to use the laser on humanity, the Galactic Empire is considering doing what is called De-Evolve on Earth.

Many alien species can travel through time, so there is a discussion on the table of turning back the hands of time on Earth. De-Evolving means taking the Earth back to a time in history when all dangerous technology did not exist. Much of the alien technology now being used in the military, was stolen knowledge and therefore we never had rights to it.

Turning back the hands of time means humanity could be reset and this option is definitely on the table. It has been done to us before throughout human history so I was told. The Galactic Empire is considering this as an option to stop the destruction of our planet. Start over again with peaceful humans.

This also means other alien species can once again teach humanity without religion and politics. An environment without all the propaganda and lies we have been subjected to for centuries. It was how the Egyptians lived once and there is talk about doing something like this again. The Egyptians happily co-existed with the Annunaki, Pleiadians and Lyrans once, so there is no reason why humanity can’t live this way again.

How Aliens Control Politicians On Their Planet

The Galactic Empire has a perfect solution for dealing with corrupt politicians.

Politicians within the Empire are forced to wear a device in the back of the neck, which prevents people from being corrupt. If the person ever had a thought of doing something wrong, the device reminds them of their service and duty to the Empire. It is 100% impossible for any politician in the Empire to cheat or become untrustworthy. This was done because many other planets have already gone through corruption from their planet, just like humans are going through on earth now.

It was decided by the Empire there must be rules to prevent anyone from holding a species of people hostage ever again. Now each politician must agree to wear these devices before they are given any position of power. The Empire want to see this procedure happen to earth’s politicians too and I have to say it sounds like a perfect way to fix corruption on earth.

The Truth About The Hubble Telescope


Arneesh tells me the US Government built the Hubble Telescope because they absolutely know the truth about Nibiru. It was originally built to monitor the planet and watch for asteroids around the Winged Planet.

Scientists have also been using the Hubble Telescope to spy on alien spaceships entering the portals in our solar system. There is a portal near the sun so I am told. Earth’s scientists have also been spying on other alien ships to steal their technology and apply it to our already existing spaceships around Earth’s orbit. We have something like 11 spaceships already in space Arneesh tells me.

Earth’s scientists have not asked the Galactic Empire for the right to use powerful alien technology, there is about to be a change of guard and the elites are really desperate.

According to the Galactic Empire, it is forbidden for a species to advance beyond their capacity of understanding, especially before they are ready.

The fully operational laser in space has the capacity to eliminate many of the asteroids around Nibiru and it was originally placed in space for that reason. Recently though the laser, has become a weapon to blackmail the Galactic Empire with. The elites are currently holding humanity to ransom if they don’t get their way. This is how insane the elites have become. Rome went the same way of depraved insanity before it fell too, so we are just repeating history.

Our scientists are also playing around with antimatter. The aliens are very concerned about this because destroying the planet is very possible.

Ignorance concerning dark matter is very dangerous, it’s unpredictable in it’s early phase. It’s kinda like giving a 5 year old, a loaded gun to play with. To the aliens, we are like children playing with dangerous technology and they need to watch us more closely at this time.

This is the truth of what is actually going on in space right now. Hopefully this blog also explains why there are so many alien sightings recently.

Arneesh wants us to know the truth and his goal is to keep humanity informed. These are the points of view of an Annunaki King, who is also a part of the Galactic Empire. You do not have to believe anything he says. Telepathy and channeling is still looked down upon even though humans are very capable of using scionic powers and transmitting messages.

I have also been told there are other alien species who now aware of these writings too. Species living on this earth, are also benefiting from the current updates from the Galactic Empire. The messages are universal for humanity and other species.

“You may hear about an Alien Invasion coming to your planet. We will not be coming to destroy your planet but to try and save it. Your species have been deceived for a long time by other aliens that live on your planet. They are called Reptiles and some of the Clone Grays. The Galactic Empire is trying to right many wrongs at this time, without forcing ourselves on your world. We shall see what will unfold.” -Arneesh

Stolen technology have given humans advancement beyond the capacity of moral understanding. This is not in balance with the Galactic Empire. 

In the last 50 years our technology has tripled and now we are playing around with anti-matter in it’s early stages. This is very concerning for many alien species. The Empire says we have no real understanding of the power concerning dark matter. It has previously destroyed planets and it can happen to our earth.

The elites are threatening to blow up earth if they can’t control us anymore. The Galactic Empire do not want to see that happen. As a last resort they may de-evolve our planet. The Empire will keep the humans they feel will give Earth another chance under their guidance.

Their dream is for earth to become a society where both human and alien species will live together in peace. I know going back in time, is not what most people want to hear right now but there are a lot of things at stake to keep the earth safe.

The Reptilians and their human hybrids have deliberately created the chaos. Is is also the elites threatening to blow up our planet. The Galactic Empire is trying to find a solution and one that protects this planet and the species who live here.

I am trying to bring you the information as Arneesh brings it to me.

Humanity has to say NO the elites on this planet and push for peace worldwide. Focus on one WORD such as PEACE. Meditate and pray on it. When millions of people worldwide are all focused on that one word….PEACE….Imagine how powerful that day will be!

You and I are powerful scionic beings and it’s time we all started using that power.








Reptilian Aliens Live On Earth

12-09-2016 A Visit From Reptilians

I was awoken to a reptilian paying me a visit at about 3 am this morning. He came demanding energy from me and because my husband is a channel, this reptile who went by the name “Solrulk” also put his hands around my neck as he spoke to me. My husband was not aware this was going on because his body was completely taken over. However I have dealt with this kind of dominating behavior before from spirits and other alien species, so I learned over the years how to handle them. The trick is to NEVER show them you are afraid of their threats and behavior.

I demanded this reptile let go of me and that I wasn’t afraid of him. He was trying to be dominating with me and was even looking me over for breeding purposes as he touched personal areas on my body. There were other reptiles in the room with Solrulk and he was conversing with them about my body.

“I have had many human females at my pleasure for hundreds of generations. I take what I need and they are always willing to offer themselves up to me BUT this one I hunger for and she denies me the right to touch her. Notice how she covers up and pushes me away? No other female I took ever did these things. This female I strongly desire from my groin.” At this point I knew I had to be strong willed, I was not afraid of his threats and told him to take his hands off my neck again in a louder more annoyed tone. I then spoke to him in an ancient tongue which he completely understood and I furthered explained I was Annunaki and my ancestry came from the House of Anu.

Once he heard of my genealogy and who my protectors were, he let go of my neck and totally backed off. “Very well, I will leave now, know you have a place at our table and will be welcomed among us.” Solrulk said and then he departed.

The reptiles are not very friendly nor do they care for humans much at all. As a matter of fact they are arrogant, vulgar and destructive. They view the average human being as their slave and we make good food for them, especially if you are a child. So if you are wondering where the elite humans in this world get their nasty behavior from; you need not look any further than a reptile. Most of the ultra rich and those who work for the military and political circles are themselves hybrid Reptilians. Also those who work in the movie and music industry are also reptiles. Many of these people have already given themselves over to these creatures and feel these nasty aliens are the future of Earth.

I am here to say the Annunaki have their own plans on who runs the earth and it’s not going to be Reptiles.

The reptilian takeover of our human genes will not continue for much longer as this species have not abided by the rules set up by the Galactic Federation and yes there is such a thing. While the reptiles claim they were on Earth first before the Annunaki came, they did NOT create Humans but actually stole the DNA the Annunaki created and then decided to take it over.

Another deception is the reptiles are part Annunaki. That is not exactly true and they have deceived many humans into thinking this way.  The reptilians are afraid of the day when the Annunaki come back to earth and take their rightful place. These shape-shifting creatures lie about the Annunaki in order to deceive humanity.  They want us to believe it is the Annunaki that are the enemies of human beings when in fact many of the Annunaki want to see our earth survive and be good lords to us all.

The truth is, the reptiles have been a nuisance throughout other regions of the Universe and there are quite a few different alien species who now want them dealt with permanently. The reptiles were responsible for the fighting on other planets such as Venus and the destruction of the Lyran empire. These shape shifting beings will do the same thing to earth if they are not stopped now and why earthlings really need the Annunaki to help.

The Annunaki will not stand for the reptiles tampering with the human gene pool anymore. These powerful beings are coming back and yes, Nibiru is on it’s way.

I have spoken with King Anu himself along with other Annunaki beings who have also given me their names like:

Arneesh (Is the Annunaki Minister and Wing Commander for this region of space). He is also one of the ancient kings that once existed here on earth.

Ghee (He is similar to a microbiologist on earth. He studies the human gene pool and it’s purity. He studies which humans have more of the pure strain of Annunaki.)

Raysa (Is a savant with the Annunaki and knows all kinds of information. He has a brilliant mind.)

Humans are caught in an ongoing war between the Annunaki and the Reptiles and it’s about to come to an end. Many of the things now occurring on earth is the direct culmination of Earthlings who have subjected themselves to these nasty reptiles, who live off human fluids and flesh. The “Pizzagate” exposure is typical of taking the innocent and consuming their energy but it is only the surface of the deception humanity has been subjected to for a very long time.