Annunaki King Arneesh

Taq-e Bostan

Kings of the Universe

While most of what I am relaying to you are the conversations from Arneesh, this education also applies to the time zone humans now live in. Some of what I am passing on to you will not be comfortable to hear but I have been told you need to listen to it anyway.

About Arneesh: For starters he is 22 feet tall and he is not Nephilim as the bible will tell you. He is Annunaki and is over 180,000 years old. The bible is a book of good advice and stories but there is no Jesus per-say and Arneesh tells me it is the folklore and lies told on this planet that is part of our entire problem.

gods-enkiHe is a powerful King that dresses in head to toe Gold. He looks like a buffed gladiator who is ready for battle and he wields a powerful sword, he keeps sheathed by his side.

Arneesh wears a magnificent crown on his head in the same style as other Annunaki crowns and has a braided beard with long dark hair. He looks very much like the statues you see carved on ancient stone walls. Arneesh has brilliant blue eyes that sparkle when he speaks and is about the most handsome beautiful being you could ever want to lay eyes upon. Sometimes I see him sitting in a great chair on his spaceship that he currently has parked near Venus. Yes people the Annunaki did live on this planet for quite some time back in the days of the Egyptians and Babylonians.

Arneesh has reigned over different regions of space for over 120,000 years and is in charge of this particular region of space. He can shapeshift into a Golden Lion when he chooses and is quite capable of silencing any menace on Earth and the Reptilians know it.

The great Annunaki King Anu still exists and overseas all the other Kings. There are currently 23 other kings who have dominion over their predestined areas of the Universe. Arneesh is the sky commander over Earth and his region of space is vast. He controls planets whereby billions of different Alien life forms exist and where each planet is monitored frequently. Right now Earth is the hot button topic because of what the Reptilians are doing to our planet.

Actually the Reptilians are afraid of the Annunaki returning and why the Bush Crime Family really wanted to go into Iraq in the first place. They were trying to find the hidden gateways and destroy them all before the Annunaki arrived back on Earth.

“Imagine this scenario. The U.S. government obtains intelligence that hidden somewhere in central Iraq is an actual stargate, placed there by the Anunnaki ‘gods’ of ancient Sumeria… In this scenario, when Nibiru (the alleged “twelfth planet”–J.T.) is closest to Earth, the Anunnaki ” will “take the opportunity to travel to Earth through that same stargate and will set up their encampment in Iraq.” 


The truth is there are stargates the Annunaki have hidden on this planet and they have plans to use them again. They are not silly enough to divulge the locations of where they are either, so Nato being in the Middle East will still not prevent the arrival of the Annunaki. These powerful alien beings actually find war mongering humans amusing in their behavior. As Arneesh says “To think these little men actually believe they can control the Lords of the Universe.” as he laughs about these futile and stupid attempts in his deep voice. In other words there is no military weapon you can use against the Annunaki that will work because they can easily squash us like bugs. I have been told these Earthlings will do as they are commanded and no little toy gun or military plane is going to stop us.

I assure you, the elites who think they run our world have become totally demented and out of control.Some the mind confusion was done on purpose by the Annunaki, so the rest of us could actually see the darkness in our world leaders. The Annunaki confused the minds of these elites and allowed them to think they were powerful and ran the world. In our leaders arrogance their true intent was exposed which we now see as insane, depraved, decadent, war mongering, blood lusting imbeciles.

All those bunkers the elites have built underground with food stores and supplies, well the Annunaki have a little surprise in store for them too and it’s not going to be pretty. Did these elites really think they could hide inside the Earth, while the rest of us were left on the surface to try and survive Nibiru?

Yes people; Arneesh assures me Nibiru will shortly be here and it will be a devastating event on this planet when it finally arrives. Our Government knows all about this planet but have no plans on telling you about the arrival, so I am. Already we are seeing other planets in the sky, increased earthquakes, drought and a few other tell tale signs but the fun hasn’t even begun yet.


Stolen Alien Technology 

The Annunaki also want humans to know, every last piece of Alien technology NASA and the worldwide Military Complex has been using-testing for over 50 years, has been STOLEN. We were never given permission to use or copy any of it. Arneesh says it was not the fault of some poor alien who crashed on Earth and had his spaceship used for illegal purposes while his body was dissected into a million different pieces. The Annunaki blame the humans for their arrogance and there is no excuse they can make about stealing information we were NOT ready for. The stolen technology problem according to the Arneesh is about to be rectified as well.

There must a lot of people walking this Earth right now living in fear concerning the day the Annunaki return because I assure you justice is about to be served.

The Annunaki also have the ability to defuse Nuclear technology but are more concerned over the experiments CERN are doing. DARK MATTER is no joke and one of the most recent earthquakes in Italy happened because Cern is playing around with matter they cannot control. There is a huge crack in a nearby mountainside in Italy, that runs for miles now and the crack only appeared  after the earthquake happened. Arneesh tole me it was Cern who did this.

Dark matter has been known to engulf worlds and totally destroy them and why CERN is not going to be allowed to continue this dangerous experiment for much longer. The  energy portals Cern is opening up, allow for some of the nastiest dark entities to enter our Earth. Once again you can thank the Reptilians for this stolen technology and bringing in the dimensional shape shifting creatures to Earth. I have been told a mega demonic entity has been loosed upon our planet now and his job is to create havoc and war.

What’s Coming To Earth Soon By Arneesh


For too long human beings have basically been fed lies and kept in the dark about everything happening on our planet. The Reptilians who reside on Earth are being exposed as cruel task masters who consume children and other human beings and they have become very angry knowing their deception is no longer working. The reptilians want revenge before they are escorted out the door and kicked off planet Earth.

As I have mentioned before, the Reptilians are threatening to exterminate 80% of humanity if they can’t get what they want from the Galactic Empire. The Reptiles have been told to leave our planet and they have decided if that’s the case they are NOT going away without a fight.

YOU need to know this information so you can move to higher ground and away from areas of the coastline that may soon be underwater. The Reptilians are also threatening to lay waste to this planet with up to three nasty epidemics. These epidemics will be weaponized which means… highly infectious.  If you can get out of the cities, now is the time to do it.

There will be mega Earthquakes that will destroy many parts of the planet and much of the technology we currently use, will no longer work or will be very limited in its ability. There will be sleeping volcanoes that will be erupting and the Pole Shift will ultimately change the landscape of our planet.

Arneesh wants you to know this event has occurred on earth before and once the planet has been cleansed, humans will have the ability to work from a clean slate. To evolve our species as explorers in the Universe just like the Startrek episodes said we could. The Earth will be transformed into a planet of peace, enlightenment and respect. We will be able to welcome other alien species to our planet as friends and neighbors along with conducting business in a way that will enhance our technology for the better.

Replicators, sonic showers and technology to cure disease already exists throughout the universe now. Clothing that basically disappears from your body as you remove it, with no need to wash ever also exists. Temperature controlled environments without using fossil fuels exists as does building spaceships.  Zero point energy already exists, which means no drilling or poisoning the Earth anymore. The ability to communicate from planet to planet is something easily done. These are just some of the gifts other alien species wish to share with us. Arneesh told me that our species should have been in the stars over 200 years ago but the propaganda and dogma has held us in a perpetual state of ignorance on this planet.

Humans have been deliberately held back by the Reptilians who have lied about everything. It is the Reptilians that do not want us to have any of this technology because as their preferred slave race, they believe we are not entitled to have it.

I say hybrid Reptilian humans and the Reptilian race on earth can go suck a lemon. It is humanities time to shine and reach out into the Universe. Change is coming to Earth soon and there is nothing these creeps can do about it anymore.

I for one am looking forward to a dramatic change on Earth, how about you?

Why Our Children Are Under Seige


Arneesh my Annunaki friend and King, has been educating me on what is happening to the children on Earth and why. The above graphic image is how I see Arneesh from my third eye. He is very powerful and someone who commands great respect from his subjects. He is about the wisest being I have ever spoken with and it’s been an amazing series of educational experiences when Arneesh speaks to me. 

You as the reader do not have to believe any of what I write here but when an Ancient King speaks (who has lived hundreds of thousands of years), I choose to listen to his council. He sees events occurring on a dimensional level,  which is something most humans will never fully comprehend unless they work their third eye more. Arneesh has seen all there is to see within the Universe so I willingly choose to listen to his council, especially over the liars and thieves we currently have running our Earth.

The first thing I really want to mention is the lie that has been told about the Annunaki for thousands of years. They were made out to be bullies and slave masters, when in fact it was the Reptilians who spread these lies about them. It was the Reptilians who are the real slave masters, with evil intent against humanity and not the Annunaki.

The Reptilians told these lies by tainting our history and taking powerful, ancient blessed symbols like the Swastika and turning it into evil and power. Ancient Annunaki symbols have also been used to train your mind into thinking, everything this alien species did was evil. You and I were never supposed to trust the Annunaki because of the Reptilian propaganda spread across the earth. Even Zachariah Sitchin’s books did not tell the complete truth about the Annunaki and why I have been asked to relay these messages now. The Annunaki want humans to know it is the political and religious dogma that is killing our planet fueled on by dark forces such as the Reptilians.

The human elites who currently walk this planet are mostly hybrid reptilians, so they will always choose to back up their masters by continuing the lie. Some of these lies include religion, earth’s history about the pyramids, world politics, wars and money. Hegelian Dialect comes to mind here and you should look up what that means sometime because it includes you and everything you were ever taught.

The only thing these disgusting hybrid elites care about is the complete and utter domination of all human beings living on planet earth, with us being their pets and slaves. They don’t want us to think, feel, procreate or even exist without their permission. So I ask you…who really are the slave masters because it sure isn’t the Annunaki. 

I myself am a Hybrid Annunaki who originally came from the house of the Bull. I am considered to be of the pure blood line and no… I do not have RH Negative blood either. I am not ashamed of who I am and consider myself fortunate. Because of my lineage; I strongly believe this is why I can communicate so well with spiritual and alien beings. Arneesh also informs me that I am about 30% Lyran which makes me unique in the eyes of many other aliens. The Annunaki have the ability to trace our bloodlines to the very beginning of our ancestral existence, by simply concentrating on any human being they choose.

Actually if truth be told most human DNA is already intertwined with “Other” DNA in their sequence and science knows all about it. So the whole ALIEN thing is right there in your genes people. We are all part alien and our DNA says so too.

I am being educated by an Annunaki King who I feel has so much wisdom to impart to all of humanity and why passing this information onto you, also matters for the future of our species. I have found Arneesh to be a kind and concerned being over the future of our Earth. He is nothing like the lies Reptilians have told humanity about the Annunaki at all.

Instead I have found this King to be the complete opposite of cruel and arrogant. He is someone who wants to help humanity reach out into the Universe. He wants to help us break free from our current enslavement of death and destruction from the Reptilians and he wants you to know “The Golden Lions Are Coming To Fix The Issues On Earth.” There will be a war in heaven and on Earth but it will be done to eliminate the Reptilians and bring back order to our Earth.

About Our Children Suffering Abuse


I asked Arneesh why children are being used in sick ritualistic ways or being killed and consumed. To the Annunaki this is a disgusting practice and they plan on putting an end to it. He tells me this is being done for 2 different reasons. 

Dark entities consume the most innocent because their energy is pure and tasty. Another reason why children are fed to dark forces; when the Annunaki created humanity, they made special energy provisions for childhood. We all could have been born adult clones  if the Annunaki chose this but instead they decided we all should have a happy childhood and learn from the experiences.

“Children are precious points of light that carry within their tiny bodies the hope of humanity, creation and human children have the ability to teach other alien species how to experience joy, laughter and love. Many aliens were created from clones so they do not experience things in the same way earthlings do. That’s what makes your species so special.” 

“We created all humans to have a childhood because we wanted them to understand what true laughter, innocence and joy was about. We wanted you to remember this always and model your lives based on your love of life. When we decided to create your species, we also wanted to include the growing up process and the memories of being a child. We made children the greatest gift of all because to most parents, their children are their lives.”

“We find children beautiful beyond belief because they are little points of light that shine out into the Universe. Children instinctively know the true essence of living, which is unadulterated love and joy. They bring happiness to adults around them and they inspire fantasy and creativity, they have no fear or misconceptions about life. We deeply encourage earthlings to have fantasies as children because this inspires dimensional creations, which can be recreated anywhere throughout the Universe. Were you aware of this fact?”

“Anything your world can imagine has usually been seen first through the eyes of a child and we absolutely love the beautiful energy children carry within their bodies. It is so amazing to us and the energy is a great gift to the entire Universe. To see through the eyes of a child….is that not what you say to each other as adult earthlings?”

Why Do Dark Beings Consume Children? 

From Arneesh,

When we first created your species, we wanted you all to experience the joy of being a child so you could see the Universe from within your heart and mind. We made you long for the stars, to look toward the heavens and wonder what was out there. To reach out and touch more than your eyes could see, to feel, explore and become great. You have the power to be one of the most powerful races in the Universe, if you could just unshackle yourselves from this darkness. This is what dark beings really fear, the day you all discover just how powerful a species you really are.”

“Humans were originally created from the DNA of the Great Annunaki King Anu.  You have the power to override any obstacle that becomes a negative influence on your planet. The Reptilians actually fear the day when humans discover just how powerful they really are. We gave you the gift to communicate with us anytime you wanted through your Pineal Gland. Human children still carry this hope within their bodies because of their innocence. It was always our intention to give each of you a piece of this strength, so that you would never forget you were literally created from the Gods.”

“To keep you all in subjection to the Reptilians, children are being subjected to the most despicable, disgusting acts so their innocent energy is constantly extinguished on earth. Children are literally being drained of any power, so they can never rise up and overtake the darkness. The innocent’s flesh and fluids are being consumed, so these dark beings can consume that energy because it’s that tasty to these dark entities, it is like a rich dessert your species would enjoy. Children are kept on the menu so these beings of darkness can feel powerful. So they can continue to control your species.”

“You must free yourselves of these cheap and useless distractions placed upon your being. You are being controlled so that you never question what your own kind is doing to your DNA. The Reptilians are trying to eliminate the Annunaki gene in humanity or the original power we gave you through Anu’s genes. Your body is just a shell that protects the existing power in each individual earthling. You are energy and even have the power to shape-shift when you use your mind dimensionally.  The Reptilians are trying to erode your power and set up a worldwide control mechanism which is designed to keep you all compliant and obedient. Your phone devices are a good example of this mind erosion.”

“Protect your children and keep them close by, so your child can grow up to know the real truth of us and human history. Allow them to be a child for as long as they wish…because it’s really good for humanity and they are your biggest hope for a new world. Your children are more precious than you will ever know and they matter to millions of beings throughout the Universe. How beautiful human children are to the Annunaki.”

“By the way we are the true lords of the Universe and still recognize the Great Father of all. We are also part of his creation but we the Annunaki are also your creators and this gift was given to us, to use as we saw fit. We made the Earthlings and we plan on protecting our creation away from those beings who only want to destroy your species.”

 Hold on we are coming…

Why Male And Female Energy Matters

It’s about more than you know.


Yesterday I was listening to Annunaki King “Arneesh” speak to me about the real intent behind transsexualism on Earth. He tells me this form of sexual confusion has been done on purpose and for a very specific reason.

Everything in the Universe is about balance. Most people on earth will never understand the pure energy patterns of male and female energy and why our world is in so much trouble.

The energy that was given to human beings from the Annunaki also came with a lot of spiritual connection. Human beings do not die, they transcend into another form.

Annunaki females and males actually take a piece of their energy and share it with their mates. In other words an Annunaki male will share a piece of his energy with his female mate and vice versa. This energy is kept within their chest cavity and close to what humans would perceive as the heart. This is done as a mark of respect to their mate but more importantly energy sharing maintains a perfect balance within their species.

Even if you were born a human male and want to look and act female, the energy patterns do not change and therefore you are still regarded as male to other Alien species such as the Annunaki. Sorry if you don’t like these facts but the energy that was given to you at birth does not change just because you dress or feel differently.

It doesn’t matter how much you want to be female or male because your spiritual essence was given unto to a human body that encapsulated you into that sexual framework. This TRUTH is something our Governments and world leaders do NOT want you to know about and why they spread the lie about transsexualism.

Transsexualism was specifically designed to separate the male and female energy from human beings and keep it apart. For by keeping the male-female energy separated, you can manipulate and control others.

Making confused humans believe they can change is also part of the deception. For when you look in your underwear and you see a penis or a vagina, this is the energy you were born with and no amount of medical augmentation or fashion style can change that fact. The Universe gave you that energy because you previously requested it be so. Unfortunately there are some people who for whatever reason carry on their female  or male identity from a past life into their current one. Some of this is not their fault but it also explains how some humans do not feel comfortable in their current bodies.

Your human body just encapsulates the energy you arrived on this earthly plain with. So if you came into this life with male energy you are male and if you came with female energy you are female. There is no in between not according to the Annunaki anyway.

When the Annunaki spend sexual time with their mates they will do so for days at a time and then take a break from each other. They love to mix the female and male energies together because they know the absolute importance of this energy being directed in the right way. The Annunaki understand the body even more than humans do, because they use this energy and create many great things together. Many Annunaki are like biologists, scientists, savants and they use their knowledge of the male and female energy to create new species which once included human beings or earthlings as they call us.


Every negative thing you are seeing happening in this world now, is the direct opposite of what should naturally happen. It has been dark energy and dark beings who have twisted the energies and made it into a perversion. So you see what is happening on earth right now is the separation of female and male energy in order to control all of humanity. 

Males like our first lady and Caitlynn Jenner are pretending to be female but they still cannot escape the fact their energy is and always will be male. There is no pretending to give birth that will ever change the fact you were born with a penis and that is the way Aliens still perceive them to be as well. Females who are pretending to be male will always be female and there is no pants, beard or cutting your breasts off into pretending your are now male. Your energy will ultimately stay the same as much as you may hate that fact.

The sex you were born with was of your own choosing even though you don’t remember when you entered this life. The game of life comes with no memory of the past so you can’t cheat with your current body or human status.  Trying to change your sex is considered cheating at the game of life to the Annunaki and they only make you come back and try it out again. So the moral of your sexual appearance….don’t cheat because your next life will be harder and less easier to play because the real lords who run the game of life, will ultimately make sure of it.

This fact is still one of the great universal laws that applies to all living beings and there is nothing you can do to change this fact. Alien or human whatever sexual tool lives in your underwear, is the same energy you now project out into the Universe.

The Annunaki To The Rescue

The Golden Lions Are Coming

There Is A Pyramid In Antarctica…


For most people it is completely hard to believe that that our earth is currently under siege from Reptilians walking around pretending to be human. Our world Governments are filled with nasty creatures who look human but in actual fact have been taken over by a race of alien creatures who have little respect for humanity or the earth.

This is not the first time these creatures have devoured worlds or caused in house fighting, religious upheaval and the complete destruction of a planet. They did the same thing on Venus many thousands of years ago because they wanted the same controls. This behavior totally destroyed Venus and it looks like Humans are headed the same way.

If you listened to the 30 minute MP3 I recently did concerning this fact, you would know that the Reptilians are not going away without a fight. If you haven’t previously heard the conversation then you can listen here

Senator John Kerry recently went to Antarctica to basically plead for his life along with all the other human-reptilian hybrids that currently run our US Government. Since when does a foreign dignitary go to Antarctica, unless he is speaking with beings who are NOT human and “foreign” from where exactly? Kerry’s job description as Secretary of State calls for foreign discussions toward other human beings and not personal visits to Antarctica? See more about his visit here…

I am very aware of the conversation Kerry had with the Annunaki and other alien beings who were all present on this day he arrived. The Annunaki King Arneesh speaks with me everyday now and he filled me in on the conversation they had with Kerry. Let me just say this, there is an Annunaki base in Antarctica and these beings are living there now.

Even Buzz Aldrin was recently tweeting about his experience in Antarctica. The media quickly covers up his truth by saying Buzz is ill and doesn’t know what he is saying, he is delirious and not in charge of his full mind. Believe me he was telling the truth when he said we are all in danger…and I know why. 


Here is what our Government knows and will NEVER tell any of you about:
Many of the Walmart’s will be used in the near future as places for aliens to come shopping. You see the elites have a sick plan they have NOT shared with anyone else. King Arneesh tells me these places will be used to initially lure people into thinking this is where they will come for supplies from the Government. Walmart’s will be looked upon as places of sanctuary once the Cataclysmic events start occurring in the USA like intense volcanoes, viral epidemics and the collapse of our society. (This has all been done by design to lure YOU into thinking Walmart’s are where your family can survive with the Government looking after us.) 

At first there will be people going to Walmart to get food, water and blankets after the Media tells everyone this is where they need to go for supplies. (Walmart was always set up for this very purpose and the history on Sam Walton is a dark one.)  Once the crowd has their supplies, they will  naturally run back and tell others where to go for provisions too and the Reptilians are counting on it. Without even knowing these people will be helping in the lure and trapping of other human beings.

I am going to warn people now DO NOT to go to any Walmart Centers when the media call goes out after a cataclysmic event occurs, it will be a trap of the worse kind. The false alien invasion is coming soon courtesy of our lying Government. The Reptilians would have Earthlings believe the Annunaki will be responsible for all the chaos occurring on earth and we all need to fight off this menace together. This will be a lie of the worse kind.

The Walmart’s are going to be set up as places for aliens to purchase human beings. Some of us will be taken off world and placed into breeding programs or studied for scientific purposes, while others as a food source and then ultimately becoming slaves to other species who want to keep humans as pets. The movie Jupiter Ascending relays the absolute truth about the future of humanity and who runs the Universe. If you will notice the image below shows Earth being overshadowed by a huge planet in the horizon. That’s just more truth of what is coming to our skies very soon. See more concerning this movie here…


  • The Annunaki originally bred humans thousands of years ago as a slave race to extract gold for them. However they now see we are ready to graduate from Kindergarten to Grade School. They will be signing us up onto the Galactic Empire as a new species entering these planetary rules.  Star Wars movies do not seem so fantastical anymore does it? Don’t be surprised if we see more alien visits in the near future as Earth becomes a place where all races, species and aliens can live and co-mingle in peace.  Read the book of Enki on this truth here….
  • Some of the bartering and trading going on with other alien species will include humans. It is the Reptilians who set this up and has very little to do with the Annunaki. The Reptilians have arranged for other species of aliens to partake in the human delights. This is really why Buzz had his heart attack because he found out the truth and was terrified of what is coming.
  • There is no Jesus or religion and it was set up as the biggest lie ever, so that human beings would remain in a constant state of ignorance and denial. This was deliberately done so when the day arrived for humans to know the actual truth, they still wouldn’t believe what was placed before them. This scripture comes to mind from the bible: “But the sons of the kingdom will be cast into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 8:12. The outer darkness refers to being sent out into space and the regret of not listening or heeding the warnings.
  • The Seventh scroll opening is spoken about in the Book Of Enki but also in the bible. “When the Lamb broke the seventh seal on the scroll, there was silence throughout heaven for about half an hour.” Revelation 8:1.  The actual scrolls belong to the Annunaki and the King referred to in the bible is King Anu. The “Great father of all”  first born son was actually ANU and not some human character made up by the church called Jesus. Oh and by the way, there is no rapture either unless you include humans being taken off world into some alien breeding program, that will be the real rapture.

The Annunaki King Arneesh told me of these events recently and I totally believe him. He asked me to pass this information onto you and he wanted everyone  to know why some of these events have to play out on Earth first. He wants you to know there are non interference Galactic Empire laws that all alien species are governed by.  Unfortunately the Reptilians do not like abiding by these laws and why they are now causing havoc on earth before the empire comes after them.

All of the technology our scientists and NASA know was stolen off spaceships that crashed or aliens that died in facilities. We were NEVER given permission by the Galactic Empire to create dark matter or nuclear weaponry. However Earth has now reached the age of Dark Matter from Cern and why some things must play out now. You can thank the Reptilians for most of the issues we are currently experiencing on this planet because they refuse to play by the Galactic rules and encouraged world leaders to take technology and abuse it.

Reptilians and the Annunaki

The Annunaki are very aware that Reptilians actually control hybrid humans and clones currently running world Governments.  The Annunaki are not going to allow the Reptilians to  destroy everything on earth as they did with Venus. They are absolutely disgusted with these hybrid humans who have been drinking and consuming human fluids and flesh from the most innocent in our society. We have sicko’s running everything at the moment but that time is coming to an end very soon.

I have been told by Arneesh “There are changes coming very soon and we will not tolerate this disgusting behavior for much longer.”  I will say this to you… our Government officials are cowards because they only went to Antarctica pleading for their lives and not on behalf of the rest of the people who live on this planet. There were other provisions Kerry also discussed with the Annunaki that were considered or agreed upon as well. I assure you there isn’t that much trust placed in human-reptilian hybrids where the Annunaki are concerned. They are VERY aware of all the evil committed on planet Earth and who is totally responsible for it.

I now spend time everyday with Arneesh and I educate him on modern human behavior, our Earth, corporation greed and the destruction of earth, the dumbing down of humanity and religious evil. I also share with Arneesh, those of us who really want to see brighter days and a better future for humanity. Those people who love and care for the earth and want to see healthy happy children playing and giggling once more.

I am here to say the Annunaki want to see Earth join the Galactic Empire and reach for the stars too but before that happens there are going to be some major upheavals on earth and you had better be prepared for it.

Once the pole shift happens our earth will not be the same…nor will our system of living, commerce, energy or even the way we grow food. Everything will be changing and why you will NEVER hear anything like this from our world leaders. They know they are about to lose power and it’s become a fearful and dangerous time for them. They know their days are numbered and there will be a recall of past behavior presented to the Annunaki judicial system. 

YES PEOPLE there is a Galactic Empire that Earth will be joining soon and when that day happens, there are certain rules that must be abided by all alien species who come here to visit and live on planet Earth.  

Once Earth is established under these Galactic rules, beings like the Reptilians will have very little control over us anymore and they know it. In order to maintain some sort of control over the earth now, the Reptilians are saying they will cause as much chaos, destruction and sickness now if they can’t have a say. They are also threatening to extinguish up to 80% of Earth’s population with a viral epidemic if the Annunaki will not agree to their terms.  This is what humanity faces now and what you will never hear coming out of our leaders mouths because most of them are hybrids themselves. The problem with our world leaders is they have already pledged their services to the Reptilians and cannot leave them even if they wanted to. So our world leaders are screwed and have nothing to lose at this point in time but cause problems.

The Annunaki were one of the FIRST species ever created in the Universe and they were also given the gift of creation, intelligence, power and laws by the great father of all. They can shake the very foundations of the Universe and have more power than most of us will ever know. The Golden Lions are coming back to take their place on Earth. I hope you are ready because big changes are coming to our world very soon….

Reptilian Aliens Live On Earth

12-09-2016 A Visit From Reptilians

I was awoken to a reptilian paying me a visit at about 3 am this morning. He came demanding energy from me and because my husband is a channel, this reptile who went by the name “Solrulk” also put his hands around my neck as he spoke to me. My husband was not aware this was going on because his body was completely taken over. However I have dealt with this kind of dominating behavior before from spirits and other alien species, so I learned over the years how to handle them. The trick is to NEVER show them you are afraid of their threats and behavior.

I demanded this reptile let go of me and that I wasn’t afraid of him. He was trying to be dominating with me and was even looking me over for breeding purposes as he touched personal areas on my body. There were other reptiles in the room with Solrulk and he was conversing with them about my body.

“I have had many human females at my pleasure for hundreds of generations. I take what I need and they are always willing to offer themselves up to me BUT this one I hunger for and she denies me the right to touch her. Notice how she covers up and pushes me away? No other female I took ever did these things. This female I strongly desire from my groin.” At this point I knew I had to be strong willed, I was not afraid of his threats and told him to take his hands off my neck again in a louder more annoyed tone. I then spoke to him in an ancient tongue which he completely understood and I furthered explained I was Annunaki and my ancestry came from the House of Anu.

Once he heard of my genealogy and who my protectors were, he let go of my neck and totally backed off. “Very well, I will leave now, know you have a place at our table and will be welcomed among us.” Solrulk said and then he departed.

The reptiles are not very friendly nor do they care for humans much at all. As a matter of fact they are arrogant, vulgar and destructive. They view the average human being as their slave and we make good food for them, especially if you are a child. So if you are wondering where the elite humans in this world get their nasty behavior from; you need not look any further than a reptile. Most of the ultra rich and those who work for the military and political circles are themselves hybrid Reptilians. Also those who work in the movie and music industry are also reptiles. Many of these people have already given themselves over to these creatures and feel these nasty aliens are the future of Earth.

I am here to say the Annunaki have their own plans on who runs the earth and it’s not going to be Reptiles.

The reptilian takeover of our human genes will not continue for much longer as this species have not abided by the rules set up by the Galactic Federation and yes there is such a thing. While the reptiles claim they were on Earth first before the Annunaki came, they did NOT create Humans but actually stole the DNA the Annunaki created and then decided to take it over.

Another deception is the reptiles are part Annunaki. That is not exactly true and they have deceived many humans into thinking this way.  The reptilians are afraid of the day when the Annunaki come back to earth and take their rightful place. These shape-shifting creatures lie about the Annunaki in order to deceive humanity.  They want us to believe it is the Annunaki that are the enemies of human beings when in fact many of the Annunaki want to see our earth survive and be good lords to us all.

The truth is, the reptiles have been a nuisance throughout other regions of the Universe and there are quite a few different alien species who now want them dealt with permanently. The reptiles were responsible for the fighting on other planets such as Venus and the destruction of the Lyran empire. These shape shifting beings will do the same thing to earth if they are not stopped now and why earthlings really need the Annunaki to help.

The Annunaki will not stand for the reptiles tampering with the human gene pool anymore. These powerful beings are coming back and yes, Nibiru is on it’s way.

I have spoken with King Anu himself along with other Annunaki beings who have also given me their names like:

Arneesh (Is the Annunaki Minister and Wing Commander for this region of space). He is also one of the ancient kings that once existed here on earth.

Ghee (He is similar to a microbiologist on earth. He studies the human gene pool and it’s purity. He studies which humans have more of the pure strain of Annunaki.)

Raysa (Is a savant with the Annunaki and knows all kinds of information. He has a brilliant mind.)

Humans are caught in an ongoing war between the Annunaki and the Reptiles and it’s about to come to an end. Many of the things now occurring on earth is the direct culmination of Earthlings who have subjected themselves to these nasty reptiles, who live off human fluids and flesh. The “Pizzagate” exposure is typical of taking the innocent and consuming their energy but it is only the surface of the deception humanity has been subjected to for a very long time.